Added Cost or Cost Savings?
As a homeowner, why should you spend your time and money hiring a structural engineer when you have contractors who will give you “free estimates”?
That question gets asked all the time and for good reason. In the home repair industry there are several different types of repairs and upgrades. For many of those a contractor is highly qualified to come in and give an estimate for the repair work and discuss why their company is the best fit for your needs.
If you are getting new windows, paint, siding, landscaping, driveway, or in most cases a new roof – the contractor is trying to provide a replacement service for something you already have. That something may be worn out, old, or you are just ready for an upgrade – but otherwise it was doing it’s job.
When you have structural or foundation problems the scenario is different. Now the contractor is not only determining what caused the problem, but they are designing a solution AND trying to convince you their company is the best fit for your needs.
Homeowners often choose a company that is highly reputable, provides high quality work and fair pricing – only to find out the diagnosis may not have solved the original problem.
This is where a structural engineer can be of the most value. When you call a structural engineer you get a 3rd party evaluating the problem and coming up with solutions. Additionally, a licensed structural engineer has proper training and the education to determine loading, spans, as well as code compliant construction methods.
While hiring a structural engineer costs money on the front end of a repair ($500-1000 in most cases) – it can save thousands of dollars and unnecessary or improper repairs.